I truly hope I don’t offend anyone in any way, here. If you follow me, you know I don’t mince words or pretend in any way to be anything other than 100% authentically me.
If you don’t get through this hot mess of a video that I didn’t even watch back, here are the points in a neat little nutshell (and I can recommend you fast forward to the last 3 minutes or so if you’re short on time):
If you connect with me, great. Not everyone will.
If you don’t, no worries. You do you.
I’m having a miscarriage and it is bringing about lots of emotions, mainly joyful ones.
I am healthy, I am whole, and I am free.
I’m sad that this baby isn’t meant to happen, but I strongly believe that his/her soul simply needed a place to feel safe & loved for a while, so they can move on. I’m happy to provide.
I hope we are able to welcome a healthy baby in the near future, but I’m ok no matter what.
We can choose not to suffer. We can feel pain and hardship, and still choose peace.
I love you ❤️❤️❤️
Click below to watch my video: